Sunday, August 13, 2006


I was looking through the channel guide today when I came across Thugaboo on the Nicktoons Network. There were only 3 minutes left, so just I had to see what a cartoon called Thugaboo would be like... even though I'd already had my ideas given the name. When I turned it on, there were like 8 kids sitting on the steps outside someone's house, dressed up in their "hip-hop" attire. One of the little black girls had blond hair and if that didn't make me mad enough I was a hell of lot madder when the music cut on and they all started rapping. Don't ask what the rap was about because I was too caught up in the fact that Nickelodeon actually let something like this slip on the air to notice. Then, as if it wasn't already an embarrassment, this other kid comes out rapping in spanish with subtitles. After it was over I was just so stunned that I watched the credits. I was highly upset when I kept seeing "Wayans" after "Wayans" after "Wayans," realizing that this was a Wayans family production. After the Scary Movie series I never would've thought I'd see the day when the Wayans family made something for the kids... and maybe they should've left it that way.


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