Friday, August 04, 2006

Another PussyCat Doll // WTF CW?!

(they look retarded)

Come on, is it really necessary? I already have no idea who any of the other "pussies" are but you want to keep me even more confused, and then more pissed off that these girls are actually getting paid just to mimic orgasms on stage as ONE of what, 12? actually can sing. The REALITY SHOW for the next pussy is supposed to air on the CW, which is another thing that gets me. WTF is the CW?! like how does UPN + WB = CW? Its just bad on top of bad on top of bad.

Edit : while researching for this blog i discovered that theres only 6 did those videos fool me? i swore there were like 15.

Anyways, Nicole S. is the only one with any talent in that group and their label needs to just suck it up and give her all the glory. The girl Carmit(wtf kinda name...) actually looks like a man. Ashley Roberts is just a real generic white girl along with Jessica Sutta. The one girl, Melody, i couldn't even get a wiki on because shes just so unneccessary. Kimberyly Wyatt actually reminds me of Cyndi Lauper...which isnt a good thing. Can you imagine adding another pussy to this team?? ugh...

Best Week Ever



Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're just over-sexed up bunch of girls.. not even that pretty.. not even that talented.. we don't need another pussy cat doll.. 6 is more than enough!

3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only the lead singer is actually talanted the others lack beauty and vocal skills

5:30 PM  

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